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Effective techniques that we follow in audit firms to effectively implement financial audits. (5 Min Reading)

Financial Audit techniques

Effective financial auditing is critical for companies to simplify the cash flow and business process. Below are the important steps that we as audit firms use to conduct an effective financial audit.


1.    Reviewing internal reporting systems

Accounts and company financing details must be accurate in order to conduct a thorough audit. If there is a problem in the reporting cycle, it is crucial to stick to this ASAP. All documents, including bills, receipts and bank statements. It should be processed as soon as possible after its release if important pieces of data are not made available in time, which is the internal accounting process itself.


2.    Examine and evaluate data storage procedures

Electronic records of all transactions from the last fiscal year should be on file and readily available to keep things simple. It is preferable that the printed versions of this data be copied in electronic form by scanning or manual entry.

If there are data archives from previous years, they should be accessed with the same ease under the data protection law, and personal information such as customer data should be kept only for as long as necessary.


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3.    Review accounting systems and processes

This step requires a steady and regular methodology. Go through every aspect of the accounting system to ensure you have all the necessary information.

Closely watch for mistakes made due to human error – chances are you will discover at least one mistake.

The accounting system should include an exemplary program to detect and correct errors that occur in human input.


4.    Measure the current fraud threats and risks

What internal controls are currently in place to protect against financial risks? Where are the weaknesses, and how do you deal with them? Determine who has the ability and information to access financial records, and how each process is protected to prevent theft and discourage fraud. Customer confidentiality is a major consideration, and possible data leakage and tampering should not be investigated.


5.    Compare internal and external records

While the scope of the audit should not reach the scope of a separate external audit, it is important to ensure that the financial statements provided to shareholders and other interested parties match what is going on behind the scenes.

Verify that the numbers included in the statement of cash assets are published internally. Financial performance records and income reports match those submitted to outside organizations. Directly compare purchase receipts from suppliers with internal records of these transactions, where appropriate, to ensure that they provide the same information.


6.     Examine the tax return, reports and records

The period for keeping tax records on file varies from country to country within five years from the date of filing the tax return.

Verify that the tax reports submitted are toll with internal records of returns and taxes paid. Pay more attention to areas where the numbers are likely to be artificially inflated, such as annual expenditures or revenues.



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