Feasibility Studies


Feasibility Studies

Transforming a good idea into a valid business case is far from simple. A unique company setup allows us to conduct comprehensive feasibility studies that provide the necessary reality check of your project and help you prioritise.


Realising a project takes more than a good idea. Is it profitable or cost neutral in the long run? Have we chosen the right location? Is it possible to live up to the time schedule and operating budget?

What is Feasibility Study?

Making a judgement about whether or not an investment should be made can be one of the most difficult decisions a business can make. Feasibility studies, and options appraisals can help you to better establish, and minimise, the risk such investments could have on your business or organisation.

A feasibility study can give your project a necessary reality check. With the current conditions as the starting point, we estimate the potentials in your project or business case to make sure that your vision is realistic, fundable and socio-economically sustainable.


Our services within Feasibility Studies include:

  • Vision and concept
  • Analysis – demand, supply, opportunities and challenges
  • Construction programme – financial status, operating budget and time schedule
  • Strategy – funding sources and communication strategy
  • Business plan and actions
  • Construction management

What we offer

We can enable you to make investment decisions by helping you to answer your essential questions:

  • Should we proceed with the proposed project idea?
  • Which of our proposed options will be most effective and provide best value for money?

We have appraised initiatives across all areas of economic development including business development, start-up support and incubation services, training projects and specific initiatives such as innovation centres, technology and business parks, business improvement, enterprise, and employment zones.

Making ideas happen

Across sectors, we provide critical and unbiased feasibility studies that work as a solid basis for decision-makers and their prioritisation of projects. Our team of experienced economists conducts studies in the tourism industry, e.g. in connection with the construction of new culture and experience centres, but also when existing buildings need to be rethought to fulfil new purposes and activities. Self-governing institutions and public organisations are among our key clients, but we also conduct large projects for private companies.

Tailored solutions

Our unique company set-up means we can utilise competencies from across the WALL STREET and enlist the help of our legal experts, survey specialists or engineers who have many years of experience with construction, analysis, strategy and concept development, to deliver tailored solutions for each project – from turning the first sod to estimating the average number of visitors.

Our Team

Our experienced team can:


minimise your investment risks through undertaking a feasibility study;

work with you to transform your vision for capital investment into a workable concept; and

enable you to make the right project and funding decisions

To find out more about how feasibility studies and option appraisals can enable your organisation to better investment decisions.


Please contact Muaiad Al-Hariri for more details

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